I am Mateusz BagiƄski. I go by MatthewBaggins in most online places. This is my very WIP website. More stuff will be added to it over the next few weeks/months/years. For now, here is my Linktree.

My purpose is to push the world as much as possible in the direction of the good future, primarily by doing stuff that has a good chance of:

  • averting AI X-risks
  • ensuring positive effects of AI
  • improving sanity and coordination ability of Humanity/Civilization

My primary focus for the last several months was agent-foundations-theoretic investigation of the core drivers of goal-directed mental activity. As of late 2024, I am now shifting to AI strategy research since I concluded it to be the most robust thing I can do to move probability mass from bad futures to good futures.

If you want to talk to me, send me an email. I'm in the middle of nowhere until late October when I'm moving to Tallinn, Estonia for at least 3 weeks. What happens afterwards is TBD.